*We just want readers to access information more quickly and easily with other multilingual content, instead of information only available in a certain language. We will try to process as quickly as possible to protect the rights of the author. This inspired SNK to start the Neo-Geo family of arcade and console hardware in 1990. If there is any problem regarding the content, copyright, please leave a report below the article. Initially having modest success, the company officially rebranded to SNK Corporation in 1986 and released a string of successful arcade games such as Alpha Mission, Ikari Warriors, Athena and Psycho Soldier, with all having successful home console ports. *The article has been translated based on the content of 3DNews – все новости сайта by. If you notice an error, select it with the mouse and press CTRL + ENTER. So, for example, on January 7, the company will present the next part of King of Fighters. In recent years, SNK has focused on releasing fighting games and porting games from the original 1989 Neo Geo to modern platforms. Stay tuned for more information! #SNK #NEOGEO

With a modern design and a wonderful play feeling and you can even link it to NEOGEO Mini, the new hardware will provide you a NEOGEO journey that you have never expeirenced. Id like to share us my Wii VC injection tutorial for SNK NeoGeo AES (Advanced Entertainment System) / SNK NeoGeo MVS (Multi-Video System) (NG) games. However, last year SNK stated that Next Generation Neo Geo will be released after NeoGeo Mini.Ī Next-Gen NEOGEO hardware is coming after NEOGEO Mini. Such devices are popular with fans of old school games and collectors. It may be a retro system, similar to those that have already entered the market before.
Snk console series#
The new console doesn’t necessarily mean SNK is trying to compete with the Sony PlayStation 5 and Microsoft Xbox Series S / X. Users are also speculating about what the Wi-Fi symbol above the W might mean, and whether it indicates an online or multiplayer-oriented console. The Twitter announcement image features both the SNK logo and the Neo Geo console itself.